
Manage your cashflows and get paid faster with HitPay’s online invoicing generator. Our free invoicing software supports all payment methods from HitPay, including credit cards, PayNow, Grab, and many more!

Creating an Invoice

  • Navigate to Invoicing from the left menu and click on the Create Invoice button.

  • Fill in your currency details, amount, and invoice number. Then, click on Create Invoice to generate the invoice.

If you’re creating invoices for already-sold products, select Payment by products and add each product as line items. These can be already existing or one-time products. For each item, you can specify the name, quantity, price, discount (fixed amount or percentage), and description.

HitPay’s invoicing software supports over 100 currencies worldwide. All foreign currency payment acceptance is automatically converted and settled to your home/default currency.

Optional: You can split up your total invoice amount and set a due date for each partial payment. This is especially useful if you are delivering a product or service that will be fulfilled over a period of time. To enable this option, just check the box on Allow partial payments.

You can also select the payment methods accepted for each invoice.

  • Once you’ve created an invoice and selected the option “Send invoice email to the customer,” HitPay will automatically send the invoice email to your customer’s email address. The invoice’s status will change to Pending. The email contains the link to payment and a PDF of the invoice.

Customer Email Invoice (Example): Customer Email Invoice Example

Sending Payment Reminders to Customers

You can save time on chasing overdue payments by sending payment reminders with just a click. The invoicing tool allows you to trigger three types of reminders for your customers:

  1. Resending Pending Invoices:

If an invoice is in Sent status, you can click on Resend Invoice. Clicking on Resend Invoice triggers another email to the customer.

  1. Manually Sending a Reminder for Overdue Invoices:

If an invoice is in Overdue status, you can click on Send Reminder. Clicking on Send Reminder will trigger an email to the customer, prompting them to pay the invoice.

  1. Automatically Scheduled Reminders:

You can set up automatic reminders based on the invoice’s creation date or due date. Simply go to Invoice > Reminders and specify the number of days before or after the invoice’s date for sending the reminders.

Accessing Invoice Settings:

  1. Click on Invoicing.
  2. Click on the gear icon.
  3. Select the Settings option, which opens a popup modal.

Settings Modal:

  • Invoice Title Customisation:
    • Select the invoice title from a dropdown menu with options “Invoice” or “Tax Invoice”.
  • Tax Registration Number:
    • Enter your tax registration number to be displayed on all invoices.
  • Description:
    • Enter the description that will appear on every new invoice.
  • Footer:
    • Enter the footer that will appear on every new invoice.

Adding a Cash Payment

With the Add Payment feature, you can record cash payments for your invoices, enhancing your ability to manage and track offline payments.

Recording a Payment

  • Navigation: Within the Invoices section, under All Invoices, click the three dots icon next to the desired invoice. Select the Add Payment option. This option is also available directly on the individual invoice page for invoices with statuses: sent, pending, overdue, or partially paid.

Add Payment Popup

  • Customer Name / Balance Due: This information will be displayed as read-only, so you can easily reference the customer and the outstanding balance.
  • Payment Options: Available only for invoices that allow partial payments. You can choose from:
    • Specific Partial Payment: This option allows you to record a specific partial payment, labeled as “Payment 1” or subsequent pending payment numbers.
    • Full Payment: This option is selectable only if there are multiple partial payments pending, allowing you to mark the invoice as fully paid.
  • Amount: The amount field will be displayed as read-only and will automatically populate based on the selected payment option or the full amount for invoices that do not allow partial payments.
  • Payment Date: You can record the date when the payment was received, with the flexibility to enter both past and future dates.

Viewing the Payment

All payments you record will be displayed in the same manner as payments made using cards and other methods. These records are visible in three specific locations:

  • Invoice Payment Details Section: Provides a detailed view of all recorded payments for the invoice.
  • Public Invoice: Shows payment records to customers when they view their invoice online.
  • Transactions Page: Payments will be displayed as cash transactions.

Creating Invoices in Bulk

You can save even more time by using the bulk invoice generator. This feature allows you to add invoices in bulk instead of creating invoices individually.

  • Navigate to Invoicing and click on Add Invoices in Bulk.

  • Download the invoice feed template CSV file by clicking the Download button.

  • Fill in the following details inside the CSV file:

    • Customer email associated with a Customer profile in your HitPay account
    • Invoice number
    • Currency and amount
    • Optional reference
    • Invoice date and due date
  • Once done, upload the completed file by clicking the Choose File button. Your invoices will be automatically generated in your HitPay account.

Exporting Invoices

You can export your invoices to a CSV file by following these steps:

  • Click on the gear icon.
  • Select the “Export” button.
  • Choose the date range and status of the invoices you want to export.
  • Click “OK”. After completing these steps, you will receive an email with the exported file.